We are passionate about connecting people. Here are ways you can connect with others at Restoration Church. If you have any questions you can e-mail Dave by clicking here

What's Happening

Sundays, 10:30am - We meet at Bethel Church [515 E Main Street, Zeeland]. These weekly gatherings are designed to equip and encourage one another as we follow Jesus. Our gatherings are characterized by times of worship, prayer, and teaching. We also enjoy of a time of praying with one another if you are comfortable with that. Childcare is available for those 0-2 years old, and older kids thru 5th grade will be dismissed after our time of worship.

If you would like to watch our worship gathering this Sunday, you can watch it by clicking HERE.

To listen to previous messages, click HERE

Finally, we love being a community that connects relationally throughout the week to encourage and challenge each other as we follow Jesus. Please read below for ways to connect with others at Restoration. 



Prayer Meeting

Wednesday, 7pm

We are spending the first two weeks of 2025 coming together on Wednesdays for a prayer meeting to worship Jesus and seek Him for direction together. The prayer meetings will meet at the following locations...

   1/15 - Bethel Church [515 E Main Ave., Zeeland]

For years people in the community have asked, why are there so many youth groups? Why can't churches combine for this? Well, we are working on that with a group of churches. Sundays during the school year there is an opportunity for Middle School and High schoolers. Youth group meets at the Shed [11530 Ransom Street, Holland]. Here's what's coming up...

1/12:  MS/HS Gather @ the SHED 5-7 pm

1/19:  MS/HS Gather @ the SHED 5-7 pm

1/26:  Gather @ Calvary Church 6-8 pm

1/31-2/2: Middle School Winter Camp @ Camp Geneva

To see the Winter Calendar, click HERE.

Winter Camp @ Camp Geneva

We’re heading to Winter Camp at Camp Geneva. Join us as we partner with other area churches for community, fun, worship and digging deeper into who God is all in a camp setting!  Check out the registration page for more details! Friends are welcome.  Registration is limited so please register asap.  

Middle School: Jan 31 - Feb 2 Middle School Registration

High School:  21 –23 High School Registration

If you have questions, click HERE to send an e-mail to Dave.

To look at the fall 2024 calendar, click HERE.

Youth Group


Men's Bible Studies

Wednesdays, 7pm

Join us Wednesday nights at 7:00pm! This Wednesday we will join the rest of the church at the prayer meeting to kick off 2025. Our men's Bible study is a great opportunity for men to get together, get into the Bible, and share honestly with each other. We meet at Bethel [515 E Main Street, Zeeland]. 

Every Thursday at 9:30am, join other women and get into the Bible together, worship together, and pray for each other. This women's Bible study meets at Jenn Gruppen's house [104609 Sentry Rd., Zeeland]. For more information e-mail Jenn Gruppen by clicking HERE.

Women's Bible Study

Thursdays, 9:30am